
June 11, 2020

This week: BB Collaborate updates, Canvas updates, and a new MyMedia beta preview!

In this Weekly Update:

  1. Upcoming Releases
  2. Canvas Updates
  3. BB Collaborate Updates
  4. System Updates
  5. MyMedia Preview

Upcoming Releases

New ROSI delivery codes established - in-person, online synchronous, and asynchronous. There will be more courses and sections that correspond to these new delivery codes. Keep your eyes peeled!

Canvas Updates

Canvas will be updating some features for the June 20th update:

  • Bulk editing for assignments – very handy for instructors
  • Course-level notification preferences – available for all users
  • Permissions have changed from four options to three
    • Old: Enable, enable & lock, disable, disable & lock
    • New: Enable, disable, and lock
  • The Add/Edit/Delete permission has been separated into three separate permissions

BB Collaborate Updates

As of July 1st, 2020, Collaborate will no longer support these browser versions: Native Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome 78 or earlier. As of August 1st, 2020, BB Collaborate Original Experience will no longer be available, so make sure to make the transition to Collaborate Ultra as soon as possible!

Some upcoming changes (live July 13th!):

  • Minor improvements to white board; It is now easier to select and rotate items
  • Multiple camera streaming – all cameras must be connected to the computer hosting BB Collaborate but you can connect as many cameras as you want. The sky’s the limit!
  • Moderators, instructors, and admin can now download a session’s poll results
  • Improved UX for creating and editing sessions
    • Any changes now must be saved with the Save button to prevent unintended changes
  • Some features disabled (ie. Timer, chat indicator)

System Updates

The team is always working on fixing any system updates.

Issue Status
Microsoft Teams loading difficulty Currently investigating (June 10th)
Quercus email notifications may not be delivered Resolved as of June 5th
Issues with Turn-It-In submissions Resolved as of May 30th

MyMedia Preview

If you have troubles with login or slow processing times with MyMedia, try resetting the cookies. Furthermore, we now have a MyMedia preview site where you can experiment with the upcoming changes before they’re rolled out to the public!

Have a Quercus (or EdTech) question? Please contact FASE's EdTech Office.

Article Category: Quercus Updates